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Lesbian asian women, for all intents and purposes, face strikingly similar challenges to straight asian males when it comes to visibility and access to media and representation. Cishet, straight women have no right to talk over lesbian women! It almost seems like as a boba, you just have to say you support this show.ĭo you not find it odd that the same cishet, straight asian female bobas shat on straight asian male rep like Shang Chi? Do you not find it odd that these same cishet, straight women ignore (or even demean) lesbian asian females (go look at what Celeste Ng said about Lesbians).Ĭishet, straight asian females should check their privilege when it comes to talking about gay or lesbian issues. Ester Tseng, Min Jin Lee, joining in the hype. Kimmy Yam, Jessica Proix, NBC Asian America, running daily articles. Frankie Hu*ng, Roslyn Talus*n, the entire crew. Notice all the cishet, straight asian female bobas and blue checks out in full force ratio'ing this tweet and trying so hard to hype up this gay asian rom com.

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